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Giclé Print

16.5" X 16.5"
This piece is a celebration of "Ahava", “Love”. The Spiral contains select verses from the Bible that mention the Hebrew word "Ahava", אהבה, The outer circle is composed of Biblical verses containing the word Ahava with the theme of love between mankind; brotherly love, romantic love and love of humankind. As the spiral reaches the inside, verses are calligraphed with the word "Ahava" in context with Divine Love.


The Hebrew letter "Heh" on the inside is the second letter of the Tetragrammaton, the 4-lettered Divine Name.


"Ahava" is the second piece in the series of four. The first is entitled, "Chesed", Loving Kindness, the third is "Hod", "Spendor", and the fourth is "Tiferet", "Harmony" or "Beauty"


If you purchase the complete set of 4 art prints, you pay for 3 and get the 4th free. To take advantantage of this special and order all 4, please click here:


Click here to see the full citation of the chosen verses in Hebrew and in English as compiled using


Ahava / Love

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